I. General Part --;1. Historical Background --;2. What are Paraneurons? --;3. Secretions and Secretory Granules --;4. Stimulus-Secretion Coupling --;5. Neurons As Secretory Cells --;6. Transport of Messenger Substances to Targets --;7. Effects of Messenger Substances --;8. Ontogeny and Kinetics of Paraneurons --;9. Subsidiary Neuronlike Features of Paraneurons --;10. Neoplasms of Paraneurons: Paraneuromas --;11. Phylogeny of Paraneurons --;II. Special Part --;12. Adrenal Chromaffin Cells --;13. Parafollicular Cells --;14. Parathyroid Cells --;15. Adenohypophyseal Cells --;16. Gastroenteropancreatic Endocrine System --;17. Urogenital Paraneurons --;18. Bronchopulmonary Paraneurons --;19. Carotid Body Chief Cells --;20. Gustatory Cells in Taste Buds and Related Sensory Cells --;21. Olfactory Cells --;22. Inner Ear and Lateral Line Hair Cells --;23. Merkel Cells in the Skin --;24. Visual Cells in the Retina --;25. Pinealocyte --;26. Melanocytes --;27. Mast Cells --;28. Small Intensely Fluorescent (SIF) Cells --;29. Cerebrospinal Fluid-Contacting Neurons --;30. Enteric Neurons --;References --;List of Abbreviations.
Text of Note
As a result, researchers have been stimulated to investigate neuronlike properties of endocrine cells and, con- versely, endocrine or secretory features of neurons.