Preface - List of Abbreviations - Introduction: Understanding Italian Politics in the 1990s - Italy and the Ending of the Cold War (November 1989-April 1992) - The General Election of April 1992 - The Storm Breaks (April-September 1992) - Corruption: A Rational Analysis - The Close of an Era (September 1992-April 1993) - Vox Populi: The Referendum of April 1993 - Which Way Forward? (April-December 1993) - The General Election of March 1994 - Who Governs? The Trials of Berlusconi's Government (March-December 1994) - The Dini Government: 'A Government of Truce' - The General Election of April 1996 - Conclusion: Italy in Transition - Bibliography - Index
Text of Note
This account of Italian politics takes the transition to a new Italy as a point of departure, and conducts a guided tour through the changes that the country has undergone with the collapse of the party-state, attempting to explain as well as understand events along the way.