Revised papers from a conference held at Duke University, May 1992.;"Originally published by Plenum Press, New York in 1994. Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1994."
Text of Note
1 The Early Radiation of Euprimates and the Initial Diversification of Omomyidae --;2 Recently Recovered Specimens of North American Eocene Omomyids and Adapids and Their Bearing on Debates about Anthropoid Origins --;3 Cranial Anatomy of Shoshonius and the Antiquity of Anthropoidea --;4 The Messel Primates and Anthropoid Origins --;5 Relative Ages of Eocene Primate-Bearing Deposits of Asia --;6 The Asian Origin of Anthropoidea Revisited --;7 Rencunius zhoui, New Primate from the Late Middle Eocene of Henan, China, and a Comparison with Some Early Anthropoidea --;8 The Eocene Origin of Anthropoid Primates: Adaptation, Evolution, and Diversity --;9 Eocene Anthropoid Postcrania from the Fayum, Egypt --;10 Early North African Primates and Their Significance for the Origin of Simiiformes (= Anthropoidea) --;11 Paleogeography, Paleobiogeography, and Anthropoid Origins --;12 The Different Meanings of a Tarsioid --;Anthropoid Clade and a New Model of Anthropoid Origin --;13 Dental Evidence for Anthropoid Origins --;14 Function and Fusion of the Mandibular Symphysis in Primates: Stiffness or Strength? --;15 The Craniofacial Evidence for Anthropoid and Tarsier Relationships --;16 Anatomy, Antinomies, and the Problem of Anthropoid Origins --;17 Postcranial Anatomy and the Origin of the Anthropoidea --;18 Primitive Platyrrhines? Perspectives on Anthropoid Origins from Platyrrhine, Parapithecid, and Preanthropoid Posteronia --;19 Anthropoid Origins: Past, Present, and Future --;Systematic Index --;Geological and Geographic Index.
Text of Note
This volume brings together information about recent discoveries and current theories concerning the origin and early evolution of anthropoid primates- monkeys, apes, and humans.