Update in intensive care and emergency medicine, 15.
Text of Note
Ventilatory Failure: An Overview --;Extrapulmonary and Intrapulmonary Determinants of Pulmonary Gas Exchange --;Control of Ventilation and Response to Loading --;Diagnosing the Adequacy of Neural Stimulation --;Role of Extradiaphragmatic Musculature in Breathing --;Respiratory Failure: Dynamics of Breathing and Coordination --;Assessment of Respiratory Muscle Strength --;Ventilatory Muscle Fatigue and Failure --;Training and the Respiratory Muscles --;Pharmacotherapy of the Respiratory Muscle --;Nutrition and Ventilatory Failure --;Dynamic Hyperinflation --;Disorders of the Chest Wall: Implications for Respiratory Failure --;Pathophysiology of Ventilatory Failure in Patients with Neuromyopathies --;Risk Factors for Ventilatory Failure in Infants and Children --;Controlled Ventilation: Targets, Hazards and Options --;Techniques of Ventilation Using Constant Flow --;Extracorporeal Carbon Dioxide Removal in ARDS --;Augmentation of Blood Gas Transfer by Means of an Intravascular Blood Gas Exchanger (IVOX) --;Weaning Assessment --;Proportional Assist Ventilation and Pressure Support Ventilation: Similarities and Differences --;Pressure Support Ventilation --;The Role of PEEP in the Mechanically Ventilated COPD Patient --;Which Patients Need a Weaning Technique? --;Ventilatory Failure: Innovative Support Techniques --;Airway Pressure Release Ventilation and BIPAP.
Text of Note
This book reviews the most recent developments in the patho-physiology and therapy of ventilatory failure. Of particular inter-estare the descriptions of new modalities of partial andcomplete ventilatory assistance as well as new knowledge re-garding ventilatory control and fatigue during stressfulbreathing.