History --;The History of Shoulder Joint Replacement --;Basic Principles --;Developmental History and Comparative Anatomy of the Shoulder --;Kinesiology of the Shoulder Joint --;Biomechanics and Pathomechanics of the Shoulder Joint with Reference to Prosthetic Joint Replacement --;Alternative Procedures and Indications --;Results of Resection Arthroplasty and the Benjamin Double Osteotomy --;Indications, Technique, and Results of Shoulder Arthrodesis --;Selection of Patients for Shoulder Replacement --;Technique --;Total Shoulder Replacement --;Operative Technique, Postoperative Care, and Functional Assessment --;Discussion --;Long-Term Results --;Results of Hemiarthroplasty and Total Shoulder Replacement --;More than Ten Years' Experience with Unconstrained Shoulder Replacement --;Discussion --;Total Shoulder Replacement: Long-Term Results --;Shoulder Replacement in Rheumatoid Arthritis --;Total Shoulder Replacement in Rheumatoid Arthritis --;Discussion --;Shoulder Replacement Arthroplasty --;Discussion --;Comments on Joint Replacement in Rheumatoid Arthritis --;Discussion --;Shoulder Replacement in Posttraumatic Conditions, Osteoarthritis, and Arthropathies --;Indications and Considerations of Shoulder Replacement in Posttraumatic Conditions --;Discussion --;On the Treatment of Comminuted Fracture-Dislocations of the Proximal Humerus: Internal Fixation or Prosthetic Replacement --;Discussion --;Polyacetal Resin Shoulder Prostheses for Posttraumatic Conditions and Osteoarthritis --;Discussion --;Shoulder Replacement: Prognosis Related to Diagnosis --;Discussion --;Shoulder Replacement for Bone Tumors --;Surgical Resection of Malignant Bone Tumors of the Shoulder Region --;Indications and Results --;Discussion --;Functional Results after Prosthetic Replacement of the Proximal Humerus --;Tumor Prosthesis for the Shoulder --;Discussion --;Stabilization of Shoulders with Bone and Muscle Defects --;Recent Developments in Shoulder Replacement and Early Results --;Radiographic and Clinical Assessment of the Macnab-English Porous-Coated Total Shoulder Replacement --;Discussion --;Total Shoulder Arthroplasty with Bone Ingrowth Fixation --;Discussion --;Reconstruction of the Glenoid in Total Shoulder Arthroplasty --;Discussion --;Author Index 217.
Text of Note
This volume contains the proceedings of the Symposion on Shoulder Joint Replace- ment held at the Kieler Yacht Club in conjunction with the 35th Annual Meeting of the Northwest German Orthopaedic Surgeons at Kiel in 1985.