PREFACEPART 1: GETTING READY FOR BIOLOGYChapter 1. The Coming of BiologyChapter 2. Patterns of LifeChapter 3. Evolution: From Dawn to DarwinTest: Part 1PART 2: THE UNIVERSAL BUILDING BLOCKS OF LIFEChapter 4. Chemicals: The Tiniest BlocksChapter 5. Cells: The "Little Chambers" in Plants and AnimalsTest: Part 2PART 3: THE FIVE KINGDOMS OF LIFE, PLUS VIRUSESChapter 6. Bacteria and the "Homeless" VirusesChapter 7. The Protists: "First of All"Chapter 8. The Fungi: Not Just Mushrooms!Chapter 9. The Plants: "Kings and Queens" of the World of GreenChapter 10. Invertebrates As Special Animals: "Have You No Spine?"Chapter 11. The Arthropods: No Jointed Backbone, but "Jointed Feet"Chapter 12. The Chordata: Animals with a "Chord" In Their "Back"Test: Part 3PART 4: ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ANIMALSChapter 13. Skins and SkeletonsChapter 14. The Neuromuscular (Nerve-Muscle) ConnectionChapter 15. Glands and Their Hormone MessengersChapter 16. Blood and the Circulatory SystemChapter 17. Immune and Lymphatic Systems: "The Best Survival Offense Is a Good Defense!"Chapter 18. The Respiratory System: Breath of LifeChapter 19. "Getting the Goodies": Nutrition and the Digestive SystemChapter 20. Urine and (Gulp!) Sex in AnimalsTest: Part 4Final ExamAppendix: Answers to Quiz, Test, and Final Exam QuestionsIndex
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Helps you understand basic and applied scientific information. This book contains over 150 illustrations for grounding in basic life sciences; 'Biological Order vs. Disorder'; icons for easy category recognition; a pronunciation guide for difficult biology terms; and self-testing and reviews to help you retain information.