[Place of publication not identified], PALGRAVE MACMILLAN
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Text of Note
PART I: BACKGROUND 1. Editorial Introduction, Ilan Kelman and Laura M. Stough: (Dis) ability and (Dis)aster 2. David Alexander: Disability and Disaster: An Overview 3. Brenda Phillips: Inclusive Emergency Management for People with Disabilities facing Disaster PART II: NARRATIVES 4. Anonymous: One (Mis-)Step From (Personal) Disaster: Being Blind 5. Marcos Eduardo Barquero Varela: One Should Remain Calm 6. Subhasis Bhadra: Failure And Hope: Living Or Not With Disability After The 2001 Gujarat Earthquake 7. Ian Christoplos: Resilience Just For The Resilient? 8. Andy Cox: Educating First Responders About Asperger's Syndrome 9. Kelen L. Ferreira: Fighting To Restart 10. Christy Hardinger: No Matter What Happened, I Have Survived 11. Veronica Johnson: Migraines And Atmospheric Conditions 12. Asun Oien Josefsen: Don't Let Me Burn! 13. June Isaacson Kailes: If You People Would Just Prepare! 14. Carlos Kaiser: Inclusive Risk Management 15. Jane Kihungi: Terrorism And Displacement In Kenya 16. Inge Komardjaja: Maintaining Social Contact For Disaster Preparedness 17. Mataiti Mataiti: Disasters For People With Disabilities In The Cook Islands 18. Khanh Thanh Nguyen: A Disaster-Free Life - A Lot Of Luck And Happiness 19. Mercy Yazmin Rincon Ardila: Light Or Darkness? 20. Marcie Roth: The Water Is Rushing In 21. Jean-Luc Simon: Of Bodybuilders And Wheelchairs 22. Anna Stenersen: My Sister 23. Glen White: Wheels On The Ground: Lessons Learned And Lessons To Learn PART III: CONCLUSIONS 24. Marcie Roth: Help Us to Get it Right 25. Editorial Conclusion, Laura M. Stough and Ilan Kelman: Exploring and Exchanging for (Dis)ability and (Dis)aster