Foreword Preface Acknowledgments Introduction: Typology The Archetypes of Power, Eros, Pneuma and Physis Power, Eros, Physis and Pneuma Personality Types Soulful and Spirited Temperaments Temperament and Theory: Freud, Adler and Jung Sigmund Freud: Introverted Spirited Power Physis Type Alfred Adler: Extraverted Soulful Physis Eros Type C.G. Jung: Introverted Soulful Power Pneuma Type: I C.G. Jung: Introverted Soulful Power Pneuma Type: II Conclusion Appendices Appendix I: Jungian Archetypal Typologies Appendix II: Primacy of Spirit in theI Ching Addendum: Archetypal-Motivational Typology Scale Notes Bibliography Index