Cover; Copyright Page; Dedication; Acknowledgments; Table of Contents; Introduction; What Is Visual Basic 2008?; Visual Basic .NET Versions; Upgrading from Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0; Finding Your Best Starting Point in This Book; Visual Studio 2008 System Requirements; Prerelease Software; Installing and Using the Practice Files; Installing the Practice Files; Using the Practice Files; Uninstalling the Practice Files; Conventions and Features in This Book; Conventions; Other Features; Helpful Support Links; Visual Studio 2008 Software Support; Microsoft Press Web Site; Support for This Book Part I: Getting Started with Microsoft Visual Basic 2008Chapter 1: Exploring the Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment; The Visual Studio Development Environment; Sidebar: Projects and Solutions; The Visual Studio Tools; The Designer; Running a Visual Basic Program; Sidebar: Thinking About Properties; The Properties Window; Moving and Resizing the Programming Tools; Moving and Resizing Tool Windows; Docking Tool Windows; Hiding Tool Windows; Switching Among Open Files and Tools by Using the IDE Navigator; Opening a Web Browser Within Visual Studio; Getting Help Two Sources for Help: Local Help Files and Online ContentSummary of Help Commands; Customizing IDE Settings to Match Step-by-Step Exercises; Setting the IDE for Visual Basic Development; Checking Project and Compiler Settings; One Step Further: Exiting Visual Studio; Chapter 1 Quick Reference; Chapter 2: Writing Your First Program; Lucky Seven: Your First Visual Basic Program; Programming Steps; Creating the User Interface; Setting the Properties; Sidebar: Reading Properties in Tables; The Picture Box Properties; Writing the Code; A Look at the Button1_Click Procedure Running Visual Basic ApplicationsSample Projects on Disk; Building an Executable File; Deploying Your Application; One Step Further: Adding to a Program; Chapter 2 Quick Reference; Chapter 3: Working with Toolbox Controls; The Basic Use of Controls: The Hello World Program; Using the DateTimePicker Control; The Birthday Program; A Word About Terminology; Controls for Gathering Input; The Input Controls Demo; Looking at the Input Controls Program Code; One Step Further: Using the LinkLabel Control; Chapter 3 Quick Reference; Chapter 4: Working with Menus, Toolbars, and Dialog Boxes Adding Menus by Using the MenuStrip ControlAdding Access Keys to Menu Commands; Sidebar: Menu Conventions; Processing Menu Choices; Sidebar: System Clock Properties and Functions; Adding Toolbars with the ToolStrip Control; Using Dialog Box Controls; Event Procedures That Manage Common Dialog Boxes; Sidebar: Controlling Color Choices by Setting Color Dialog Box Properties; Sidebar: Adding Nonstandard Dialog Boxes to Programs; One Step Further: Assigning Shortcut Keys to Menus; Chapter 4 Quick Reference; Part II: Programming Fundamentals
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Teach yourself the fundamentals of working with Visual Basic 2008 one step at a time. With STEP BY STEP, you work at your own pace through hands-on, learn-by-doing exercises. Whether you re a beginning programmer or new to this specific language, you ll understand the core capabilities and fundamental techniques for Visual Basic 2008 and rapidly build robust, elegant applications. Each chapter puts you to work, showing you how, when, and why to use the latest features of Visual Basic guiding you each step of the way as you create actual components and working applications for Windows. You ll also explore data management and Web-based development topics. PLUS get practice files with sample code and data sets on the companion CD. Key Book Benefits Covers the latest enhancements and features of Visual Basic 2008 Provides step-by-step guidance on how to use Visual Basic 2008 with Microsoft Visual Studio® 2008 to create smart-client and Web applications Features easy-to-follow, logically planned lessons in the popular STEP BY STEP format ideal for anyone with fundamental programming skills Includes a companion CD with data sets and code samples.