Preface * The articles included in this collection * List of articles * A note on the normalization-theorem of an integral domain * Reduction of algebraic varieties with respect to a discrete valuation of the basic field * On complex multiplications * La fonction [zeta] du corps des fonctions modulaires elliptiques * Correspondances modulaires et les fonctions zeta de courbes algebriques * Modules des varietes abeliennes polarisees et fonctions modulaires * Fonctions automorphes et correspondances modulaires * On the theory of automorphic functions * Sur les integrales attachees aux formes automorphes * On specializations of abelian varieties (with Shoji Koizumi) * On vector differential forms attached to automorphic forms (with Michio Kuga) * On the zeta functions of the algebraic curves uniformized by certain automorphic functions * On Dirichlet series and abelian varieties attached to automorphic forms * On the class-fields obtained by complex multiplication of abelian varieties * Arithmetic of alternating forms and quaternion hermitian forms * On analytic families of polarized abelian varieties and automorphic functions * On the cohomology groups attached to certain vector valued differential forms on the product of the upper half planes (with Yozo Matsushima) * On modular correspondences for Sp(n, Z) and their congruence relations * On the fields of definition for fields of automorphic functions * Arithmetic of unitary groups * On the field of definition for a field of automorphic functions * Class-fields and automorphic functions * On purely transcendental fields of automorphic functions of several variables * The zeta function of an algebraic variety and automorphic functions * On the field of definition for a field of automorphic functions: II * On the zeta function of a fibre variety whose fibres are abelian varieties (with Michio Kuga) * A reciprocity law in non-solvable extensions * Moduli and fibre systems of abelian varieties * On the field of definition for a field of automorphic functions: III * Moduli of abelian varieties and number theory * Notes