1. Introduction; Valeria P. Babini, Chiara Beccalossi and Lucy Riall --;PART I: SEXUALITY, POLITICS AND FAMILY --;2. Sexuality and Politics; Lady Morgan and the Morality of the Italians, Roberto Bizzocchi --;3. The Sex Lives of Italian Patriots; Lucy Riall --;PART II: SEXUALITY, CLASSES AND SOCIAL GROUPS --;4. Sex in Belli's Rome: Eros, Social Groups and Religion; Pietro Gibellini and Edoardo Ripari --;5. After Respectability: Women, Sexuality, and the Circus in Pre-Sexology Italy; Mark Seymour --;6. Sidney Sonnino and Natalia Morozzo della Rocca: Adulterous Love, Aristocracy and Politics between Two Centuries; Paola Carlucci --;PART III: WOMEN BETWEEN THE PUBLIC AND THE PRIVATE --;7. Literary and Epistolary Figurations of Female Desire in Early Post-Unification Italy, 1861-1914; Katharine Mitchell --;8. Infanticide and the prostitute: Honour, Sentiment and Deviancy between Human Sciences and the Law; Silvia Chiletti --;9. Between Public and Private: Sexuality and Maternity in three 'New Women'; Sibilla Aleramo, Maria Montessori, Linda Murri and Valeria P. Babini --;PART IV: SAME-SEX DESIRES --;10. The 'Italian vice': Male Homosexuality and British Tourism in Southern Italy; Chiara Beccalossi --;11. J.A. Symonds, Horatio Brown and Venice: Friendship, Gondoliers and Homosexuality; Sean Brady --;12. Italian Medical and Literary Discourses around Female Same-sex Desire, 1877-1906; Charlotte Ross --;PART V: MARRIAGES AND SEXUALITY --;13. British Women Travellers and Italian Marriages, c. 1789-1844, Ross Balzaretti --;14. The Making of the Italian Husband in Nineteenth-century Italy; Linda Reeder.
Text of Note
Bringing together an interdisciplinary group of scholars, this volume explores nineteenth-century Italian sexualities from a variety of viewpoints, illuminating in particular personal and political relationships, same-sex desires, gender roles that defy societal norms, sexual behaviours of different classes and transnational encounters.
Italians -- Sexual behavior -- History.
POLITICAL SCIENCE -- Public Policy -- Cultural Policy.