Critical Issues in Psychiatry, An Educational Series for Residents and Clinicians.
Text of Note
1. Introduction --;Ethnicity --;Social Class and Ethnicity --;Race --;Minorities --;Group Differences and Mental Health --;References --;2. The Mental Health of Black Americans: Psychiatric Diagnosis and Treatment --;Diagnosis, Myths, and Stereotypes --;Problems Related to Treatment --;Folk Medicine Healing --;Special Problems Related to the Treatment of Black Patients --;Special Problems Related to Somatic Therapy --;Summation --;References --;3. Hispanics: Psychiatric Issues --;Cultural Considerations --;Clinical Diagnosis and Psychopathology --;Therapy --;Conclusion --;References --;4. Therapy for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders --;The Asian American and Pacific Islander Experience --;The Chinese Experience --;Impact of the Anti-Chinese Legislative Acts --;Mental Health: Myths and Realities --;Mental Health Needs of Chinese Americans --;Deviant Behavior in Chinese --;The Filipino Experience --;The Filipino Community in the United States --;Mental Health Problems of Filipinos --;Mental Health of Filipino Americans --;Summary Statement for All Asian Americans --;The Importance of Generation --;Mental Health Needs of Asian Americans --;Variations According to Ethnicity --;Difference of the Generations of Asians and Pacific Islanders --;Tests, Rating Scales, and Interview Schedules --;Alternative Services --;Rehabilitation Services for Asians and Pacific Islanders --;Community Outreach --;Campaigns to Improve Acceptability of Services --;Research in Asian and Pacific Islander Populations --;The Use of Native Healers and Indigenous Methods --;Summary --;Therapy with Filipino Patients --;Therapy with Korean Patients --;Therapy with Japanese Patients --;Therapy with Chinese Patients --;Therapy with Vietnamese Patients --;Therapy with Samoans --;References --;5. An Integrative Approach to American Indian Mental Health --;Precontact Period --;The Manifest Destiny Era: 1492-1890 --;The Assimilation Era: 1890-1970 --;Indian Self-Determination --;Today's Mental Health Problems and Programs in American Indian Communities --;"Traditional" Definitions of Sickness and Types of Healing --;Benefits of Integration --;Methods of Integration --;Future Directions --;Appendix (Chronology) --;References.
Text of Note
Hence, to ensure appropriate delivery of mental health ser- vices to a particular ethnic population, mental health profes- sionals must first become cognizant of the positive aspects vii FOREWORD viii and strengths to be drawn from a particular group identity and then incorporate these elements into their treatment strat- egies or techniques.