Proceedings of the 10th Italian Workshop on Neural Nets, Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, 21-23 May 1998
First Statement of Responsibility
edited by Maria Marinaro, Roberto Tagliaferri.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Springer London
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
(x, 390 pages)
Series Title
Perspectives in neural computing.
Text of Note
Section 1 --;Marco Protasi Lectures --;In Memory of Marco Protasi --;Computational Suspiciousness of Learning in Artificial Neural Nets --;Section 2 --;Invited Papers --;Software Foundation Libraries for Intelligent Systems --;Theoretical Approaches to On-Line Learning in Smooth Multilayer Nets --;Section 3 --;Review Paper --;Combining Neural Networks Hidden Markov Models for Speech Recognition --;Section 4 --;Eduardo R. Caianiello Lecture --;Cellular Neural Networks: An Approach to Circuit Design Information Processing --;Section 5 --;Mathematical Models --;Correlation Collapse Under Persistent Input Derangement in the Nervous System. Fitting pRAM Models for Thalamo-Cortical Circuits --;A New Incremental Strategy for Function Approximation by Radial Basis Function Neural Networks --;Soft-Competitive Versus EM Learning in Cortical Map Modeling --;Spatio-Temporal Cortical Activity Patterns in Cognitive Tasks Using fMRI --;Support Vector Machine for Nonparametric Binary Hypothesis Testing --;Learning the Amplitude of Activation Functions in Layered Networks --;The BRAIN Learning Algorithm --;Training Data Selection for Optimal Generalization with Noise Variance Reduction in Neural Networks --;Section 6 --;Pattern Recognition and Signal Processing --;Astronomical Object Recognition by Means of Neural Networks --;Learning to Balance a Pole on a Movable Cart Through RL: What Can Be Gained Using Adaptive NN? --;Mean-Field Neural Networks for Antenna Array Diagnostics --;Intitial Letter Spotting as a Complementary Feature for Lexical Filtering of Cursive Words --;Visual Person Localization with Dynamic Neural Fields: Towards a Gesture Recognition System --;Phoneme Classification Using a Rasta-PLP Preprocessing Algorithm and a Time Delay Neural Network: Performance Studies --;A Neural System for Remote Sensing Multispectral Image Classification --;Invariance of WNNs Performance for Pattern Recognition Testing Translated Image Input Spaces --;The CALMA Project: Computer Assisted Library for MAmmography --;Exploitation of Fuzzy Information for Tokamak Plasma Shape Recognition --;New Results in Image Compression Through M.A.I.A. Neural Networks --;The Effect of Public Sector on the Financial Sector: An NN Approach in a View of Complexity --;A Hybrid Framework for Indoor Robot Navigation --;Section 7 --;Architectures and Algorithms --;Training Feedforward Neural Networks: Convergence Robustness Analysis --;Solving the Travelling Salesman Problem Using the Kohonen Network Incorporating Explicit Statistics --;Boosting Learning Algorithms for the Colorimetric Characterization of Color Printers --;Handwritten Character Recognition with an Analog Feature Extraction Module --;A High Performances and High Versatility Reconfigurable System for Fast Prototyping of Digital Neural Network Based on FPGA --;A L-Based Energy Function for SE Prediction --;Robust Processing of Visual Evoked Potentials --;Convergence Properties of the Circular Cascade Correlation Algorithm --;Neural Learning and Weight Flow on Stiefel Manifold --;From Behavior to VHDL: A CAD Environment for SPNNs --;Incremental Min-Max Network. Part 2: Continuous and Discrete Spaces --;An Adaptable Boolean Neural Net Obtained by Connecting Seven Node Assemblies --;A Comparative Evaluation of Constructive Sequential Methods --;A Unified Approach to Sequential Constructive Methods --;SOMLib: A Distributed Digital Library System Based on Self-Organizing Maps --;Incremental Min-Max Network. Part 1: Continuous Spaces --;Tangent Models: Comparing the TD-Neuron Constructive Algorithm Versus SVD Based Algorithms --;A Neural Multi-Agent Architecture for an Autonomous Mobile Robot Control --;Author Index.
Text of Note
From its early beginnings in the fifties and sixties, the field of neural networks has been steadily developing to become one of the most interdisciplinary areas of research within computer science.