Translation of: Lehrbuch der mathematischen Physik, v. 1.
Text of Note
1 Introduction.- 1.1 Equations of Motion.- 1.2 The Mathematical Language.- 1.3 The Physical Interpretation.- 2 Analysis on Manifolds.- 2.1 Manifolds.- 2.2 Tangent Spaces.- 2.3 Flows.- 2.4 Tensors.- 2.5 Differentiation.- 2.6 Integration.- 3 Hamiltonian Systems.- 3.1 Canonical Transformations.- 3.2 Hamilton's Equations.- 3.3 Constants of Motion.- 3.4 The Limit t ? I +- ?.- 3.5 Perturbation Theory: Preliminaries.- 3.6 Perturbation Theory: The Iteration.- 4 Nonrelativistic Motion.- 4.1 Free Particles.- 4.2 The Two-Body Problem.- 4.3 The Problem of Two Centers of Force.- 4.4 The Restricted Three-Body Problems.- 4.5 The N-body Problem.- 5 Relativistic Motion.- 5.1 The Hamiltonian Formulation of the Electrodynamic Equation of Motion.- 5.2 The Constant Field.- 5.3 The Coulomb Field.- 5.4 The Betatron.- 5.5 The Traveling Plane Disturbance.- 5.6 Relativistic Motion in a Gravitational Field.- 5.7 Motion in the Schwarzschild Field.- 5.8 Motion in a Gravitational Plane Wave.- 6 The Structure of Space and Time.- 6.1 The Homogeneous Universe.- 6.2 The Isotropic Universe.- 6.3 Me according to Galileo.- 6.4 Me as Minkowski Space.- 6.5 Me as a Pseudo-Riemannian Space.