Drug abuse treatment / M. Douglas Anglin and Yih-Ing Hser --;Organization and impact of outpatient drug abuse treatment services / Richard H. Price and Thomas A. D'Aunno --;Development of an information strategy for the drug treatment system / James M. Kaple --;Substance abuse relapse : theory and clinical application / Jalie A. Tucker and Rudy E. Vuchinich --;Charting the psychological correlates of drug abuse / Lorand B. Szalay, Shelley K. Vivov, and Jean B. Strohl --;Treatment of nicotine dependence in substance use disorder patients / Anne M. Joseph --;Buprenorphine for opioid and cocaine dependence / Marc I. Rosen and Thomas R. Kosten --;Carbamazepine in the treatment of cocaine-induced disorders : clinical and mechanistic implications / Susan R.B. Weiss, Robert M. Post, and Thomas G. Aigner --;Relapse prevention for the cocaine and crack dependent : an essential treatment component / Barbara C. Wallace.
Text of Note
This fourth volume of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Reviews focuses on the strategies currently thought best for the treatment of drugs of abuse. Although the main emphasis is on the treatment of illicit drug use, a major cofactor in damaging the health of drug users is nicotine (tobacco) addiction, whose treatment is also reviewed.