Note from the Guest Editors --;Multinational Strategy and Structure: A Review and Research Agenda --;A New Perspective on the Integration-Responsiveness Pressures Confronting Multinational Firms --;Multinationals, Reverse Diffusion and National Business Systems --;Global Versus Multidomestic: Culture's Consequences on Innovation --;Contextual Moderating Effects and the Relationship of Firm-Specific Resources, Strategy, Structure and Performance among Japanese Multinational Enterprises --;Managing International Technology Transfer Risk: Alternatives and Complements to Ownership Structure.
Text of Note
Multinational corporations (MNCs) are frequently pictured as being at the vanguard of global integration. They face strong incentives to maximize economies of scale in research and development, purchaising, production and marketing, and encounter low barriers in the dissemination of technologies and best practices. This special issue brings together various papers that focus on different aspects of the tension between global and local within MNCs.