I. Basic Concepts and Models --;1 Diagnosis and Classification --;2 Assessment Strategies --;3 Research Methods --;4 Psychoanalytic Model --;5 Behavioral Model --;6 Biological Model --;II. Childhood and Adolescent Disorders --;7 Mental Retardation --;8 Autism --;9 Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder --;10 Conduct Disorder --;11 Anxiety Disorders --;12 Depression --;13 Eating Disorders --;III. Adult and Older Adult Disorders --;14 Anxiety Disorders --;15 Depression --;16 Schizophrenia --;17 Substance Abuse Disorders --;18 Sexual Disorders --;19 Psychophysiological Disorders --;20 Organic Mental Disorders --;IV. Child Treatment --;21 Dynamic Psychotherapy --;22 Behavior Therapy --;23 Pharmacological Interventions --;V. Adult Treatment --;24 Dynamic Psychotherapy --;25 Behavior Therapy --;26 Pharmacologic Interventions --;About the Editors --;Author Index.
Text of Note
In Part I (Basic Concepts and Models), the chapters include diagnosis and classification, assessment strategies, research methods, the psychoanalytic model, the behavioral model, and the biological model.