1 Introduction to Proteins --;1 General Comment --;2 Protein chemistry --;3 Proteins in diet --;4 Vitamins --;5 Minerals --;6 Allergy, addiction, preference and prejudice --;7 Mixtures and compounds --;8 Preservation --;9 Canning --;2 Animal Proteins --;10 Meat --;11 Birds and poultry --;12 Dairy protein --;13 Fish --;3 Vegetable Proteins --;14 Cereals --;15 Fresh vegetables --;16 Oilseeds --;17 Pulses --;18 Dehydrated vegetables in feed --;19 Vegetable genetics --;20 Monoculture --;21 Infestation --;22 Green leaf protein --;4 Microbial Proteins --;23 Algae --;24 Fungi --;25 Yeasts --;26 Bacteria --;27 Oil --;5 Protein Economics --;28 Variations in production, distribution and consumption --;29 Agricultural outputs --;30 Industrial protein --;31 World protein supply and demand --;32 Speculation --;33 Natural situations (selected countries) --;34 Future proteins.
Text of Note
At any time there could be a comprehensively influential discovery or incident which could alter the entire pattern of protein supply and demand. Scientific and academic statements in this book may be criticised by purists but it is to be appreciated that the book is intended for universal appreciation.