Preface --;1 Glucagon as a drug --;2 The physiological role of glucagon in the gastrointestinal tract --;Discussion --;3 The role of glucagon in different endoscopic procedures in the upper gastrointestinal tract --;Discussion --;4 The use of glucagon in colonoscopy --;Discussion --;5 Glucagon in radiology --;Discussion --;6 Biliary surgery, radiomanometry and glucagon --;7 Biliary radiomanometry as an investigative tool in biliary tract disease --;Discussion --;8 The role of glucagon in the treatment of biliary tract pathology --;Discussion --;9 Hepatotrophic effects of insulin and glucagon and their potential role in the treatment of hepatic failure --;Discussion --;General discussion.
Text of Note
It was with very much pleasure that I accepted the invitation to chair this workshop on Glucagon in Gastroenterology.