Introduction --;An Overview of the HLA System --;Clinical Features of Narcolepsy: Japanese Experiences --;HLA in Narcolepsy in Japan --;HLA in Narcolepsy/Cataplexy in the United Kingdom --;HLA in Narcolepsy in France --;HLA in Narcolepsy in Canada --;HLA-DR2 and the Narcolepsy Syndrome: The Stanford Experience --;Narcolepsy and HLA in the Federal Republic of Germany: Population and Family Data --;Positive HLA-Dw2 in Narcolepsy --;HLA-Linked Complement Markers in Narcolepsy --;DNA Typing in Narcolepsy --;Immunological Features of Narcolepsy in Japan --;Immune Factors in Narcolepsy in the United Kingdom --;Disorders of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness Without Cataplexy, and Their Relationship with HLA in Japan --;HLA in Disorders of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness Without Cataplexy in Canada --;Genetic Markers Other than HLA in Narcolepsy --;Subject Index.
Text of Note
The Second International Symposium on Narcolepsy was held at Fairchild Auditorium, Stanford University, on 6-7 July 1985 under the presidency of Drs.