Front Cover; Knowledge in Organizations; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Introduction to the Resources for the Knowledge-Based Economy Series; Introduction to Knowledge in Organizations; 1. Knowledge as Strategy: Michael Earl; 2. Knowledge of the Firm: Combinative Capabilities, and the Replication of Technology: Bruce Kogut and Udo Zander; 3. Informal Networks: The Company Behind the Chart: David Krackhardt and Jeffrey R. Hanson; 4. Top Management, Strategy and Organizational Knowledge Structures: Marjorie Lyles and Charles R. Schwenk. 5. EPRINET: Leveraging Knowledge in the Electric Utility Industry: Mariana M. Mann, et al. 6. A New Organizational Structure: Ikujiro N onaka; 7. Tacit Knowledge: Michael Polanyi; 8. Learning by Knowledge-Intensive Firms: William H. Starbuck; 9. Organizational Memory: James P. Walsh and Gerardo Rivera Ungson; 10. Cosmos vs. Chaos: Sense and Nonsense in Electronic Contexts: Karl E. Weick; 11. Financial Risk and the Need for Superior Knowledge Management: Chris Marshall, Larry Prusak, David Shpillberg; Index.
Text of Note
The second in the readers' series, Resources for the Knowledge-Based Economy, Knowledge In Organisations gives an overview of how knowledge is valued and used in organisations. It gives readers excellent grounding in how best to understand the highest valued asset they have in their organisations.