In Palgrave connect.;Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 22 octobre 2010).
Text of Note
The History of a Word --;The Roots of Charisma --;Paul Invents Charisma --;Charisma Eclipsed --;Where Did Charisma Go? --;Weber Re-Invents Charisma --;Twentieth Century Charismatics --;The Age of Media: Charisma and Celebrity --;Charisma Past, Present and Future --;That Elusive Something Called Charisma.
Text of Note
This book traces the history of the word 'charisma', and the various meanings assigned to it, from its first century origins in Christian theology to its manifestations in twenty-first century politics and culture, while considering how much of the word's original religious meaning persists in the contemporary secular understanding.