Part 1 Coastal management: monitoring; options for coastal defence; phased works. Part 2 Project planning and environmental aspects: existing coastal information; problem definition; environmental assessment; project planning. Part 3 Data collection, analysis and interpretation: general information on data acquisition; water levels; wind; waves; joint probabilities of waves and water levels; topographic surveys; hydrographic surveys; geotechnical investigations; coastal processes; construction and maintenance; existing structures. Part 4 Sea-wall structure - overall concept and types: design philosophy; plan layout; cross section; the body of the wall; the toe of the wall; the crest of the wall; rehabilitation. Part 5 Design: hydraulic performance; slope stability and structural loads; design of sloping porous walls; design of sloping non-porous walls; design of vertical non-porous sea walls; design of crest; design of toe; design for construction and maintenance; detailing. Part 6 Materials: general considerations; required characteristics of materials; characteristics of materials in use. Part 7 Financial and economic considerations: economic appraisal; failure scenarios; assessment of erosion benefit; assessment of flooding benefits; scheme costs. Appendices: statutory framework in the United Kingdom; physical and numerical models.