[78a] On certain reciprocity-laws for theta functions and modular forms --;[78b] The arithmetic of automorphic forms with respect to a unitary group --;[78c] The special values of the zeta functions associated with Hilbert modular forms --;[79a] Automorphic forms and the periods of abelian varieties --;[79b] On some problems of algebraicity --;[80] The arithmetic of certain zeta functions and automorphic forms on orthogonal groups --;[81a] The critical values of certain zeta functions associated with modular forms of half-integral weight --;[81b] On certain zeta functions attached to two Hilbert modular forms: I. The case of Hecke characters --;[81c] On certain zeta functions attached to two Hilbert modular forms: II. The case of automorphic forms on a quaternion algebra --;[81d] Arithmetic of differential operators on symmetric domains --;[82a] Models of an abelian variety with complex multiplication over small fields --;[82b] The periods of certain automorphic forms of arithmetic type --;[82c] Confluent hypergeometric functions on tube domains --;[83a] Algebraic relations between critical values of zeta functions and inner products --;[83b] On Eisenstein series --;[84a] Differential operators and the singular values of Eisenstein series --;[84b] On differential operators attached to certain representations of classical groups --;[85a] On Eisenstein series of half-integral weight --;[85b] On the Eisenstein series of Hilbert modular groups --;[86] On a class of nearly holomorphic automorphic forms --;[87a] Nearly holomorphic functions on hermitian symmetric spaces --;[87b] On Hilbert modular forms of half-integral weight --;[88] On the critical values of certain Dirichlet series and the periods of automorphic forms --;Notes II.
Text of Note
In 1996 the AMS awarded Goro Shimura the Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement for his "important and extensive work on arithmetical geometry and automorphic forms." His seminal work has resulted in the "many notations in number theory that carry his name and that have long been familiar to workers in the field." These 5 volumes contain 103 of his most important papers, beginning in 1954 and continuing up through the present.