DNA Isolation and Transformation in Escherichia coli --;Isolation of Plasmid DNA --;Restriction Endonuclease Digestion and Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of DNA --;Restriction Site Mapping --;Southern Blotting --;Preparative Electrophoresis --;DNA Ligation and Escherichia coli Transformation --;Detection of Plasmid by Colony Hybridization --;Microisolation and Microanalysis of Plasmid DNA --;Isopycnic Centrifugation of DNA --;Purification of Plant Ribosomal DNA --;The Extraction and Affinity Chromatography of Messenger RNA --;Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of RNA --;In Vitro Protein Synthesis --;SDS Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis of Proteins --;Isoelectric Focusing (IEF) of Proteins in Thin-Layer Polyacrylamide Gels --;Protein (Western) Blotting with Immunodetection --;Thin-Layer Gel Filtration --;The Dansyl-Edman Method for Peptide Sequencing --;The Double Immunodiffusion Technique --;Immunoelectrophoretic Techniques --;The Time Course of?-Galactosidase Induction in Escherichia coli --;Experiments on Enzyme Induction in the Unicellular Green Alga Chlorella fusca --;Yeast Protoplast Fusion --;The Ames Test.
Text of Note
Text clean and bright, binding tight, only flaw is a blank bookplate from a chemical company pasted on the front free endpaper." An excellent experimental guide to molecular biology, offering detailed protocols ranging from chemical to microbiological methods. The format is sufficiently versatile to serve either a short workshop or a full academic year biochemistry laboratory. Each of the 25 experiments included is presented in a chapter with background information, a list of materials the experimenter will encounter, a detailed protocol, information needed to interpret and discuss the result.