Preface; ; Introduction; ; The Propositional Calculus; Propositional Connectives: Truth Tables; Tautologies; Adequate Sets of Connectives; An Axiom System for the Propositional Calculus; Independence: Many-Valued Logics; Other Axiomatizations; ; First-Order Logic and Model Theory ; Quantifiers; First-Order Languages and Their Interpretations: Satisfiability and Truth Models; First-Order Theories; Properties of First-Order Theories; Additional Metatheorems and Derived Rules; Rule C; Completeness Theorems; First-Order Theories with Equality; Definitions of New Function Letters and Individual Constants; Prenex Normal Forms; Isomorphism of Interpretations: Categoricity of Theories; Generalized First-Order Theories: Completeness and Decidability; Elementary Equivalence: Elementary Extensions; Ultrapowers: Nonstandard Analysis; Semantic Trees; Quantification Theory Allowing Empty. Theory; ; Answers to Selected Exercises; ; Bibliography; ; Notations; ; Index.
Logic, Symbolic and mathematical -- Problems, exercises, etc.