I: Structural Dynamics.- Structure of the Myofilaments.- Symmetry and Self-Assembly in Vertebrate A-Filaments.- Image Analysis of the Complex of Actin-Tropomyosin and Myosin Subfragment 1.- A-Band Mass Exceeds Mass of its Filament Components by 30-45%.- Myofilament Diameters: An Ultrastructural Re-Evaluation.- Do Thick Filaments Shorten?.- Limulus Striated Muscle Provides an Unusual Model for Muscle Contraction.- Dynamic Laser Light Scattering of Papain-Treated Thick Filaments from Limulus Striated Muscle in Suspension.- Structure of Limulus and Other Invertebrate Thick Filaments.- Cinematographic Studies on the A-Band Length Changes During Ca-Activated Contraction in Horseshoe Crab Muscle Myofibrils.- Contraction Bands: Differences Between Physiologically vs. Maximally Activated Single Heart Muscle Cells.- Structural Studies of Glycerinated Skeletal Muscle. A-Band Length and Cross-Bridge Period in ATP-Contracted Fibers.- X-Ray Diffraction Approaches to Structural Dynamics.- Time Resolved X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Cross-Bridge Movement, and Their Interpretation.- On the Possibility of Interaction Between Neighbouring Crossbridges.- Cross-Bridge States in Invertebrate Muscles.- Factors Affecting the Equatorial X-Ray Diffraction Pattern from Contracting Frog Skeletal Muscle.- Effect of Stretch on the Equatorial X-Ray Diffraction Pattern from Frog Skeletal Muscle in Rigor.- Structural Studies of Muscle During Force Development in Various States.- Muscle Crossbridge Positions from Equatorial Diffraction Data: An Approach Towards Solving the Phase Problem.- Configurations of Myosin Heads in the Crab Striated Muscle as Studied by X-Ray Diffraction.- On the Intensity Reversal of the "Tropomyosin Reflexions" in X-Ray Diffraction Patterns From Crab Striated Muscle.- Structural Basis of Forces in Resting Muscle.- Cross-Bridge Attachment in Relaxed Muscle.- Cytoskeletal Matrix in Striated Muscle: The Role of Titin, Nebulin and Intermediate Filaments.- Connecting Filaments, Core Filaments and Side Struts: A Proposal to Add Three New Load-Bearing Structures to the Sliding Filament Model.- The Composition of the Intracellular Milieu.- 31P NMR Studies of Resting Muscle in Normal Human Subjects.- Intracellular pH and Energy Changes in Muscle.- Change in Fixed Charge in the Thick Filament Lattice of Limulus Striated Muscle with Sarcomere Shortening.- A New Method to Measure Intracellular Diffusible Elemental Concentration.- Ion Concentrations Surrounding the Myofilaments.- Do Cross-Bridges Rotate during Contraction?.- The Nature of the Actin - Cross-Bridge Interaction.- Cross Linking Studies Related to the Location of the Rigor Compliance in Glycerinated Rabbit Psoas Fibers: Is the S-2 Portion of the Cross-Bridge Compliant?.- Angles of Fluorescently Labelled Myosin Heads and Actin Monomers in Contracting and Rigor Strained Muscle Fiber.- Muscle Cross-Bridges: Do They Rotate?.- An Actomyosin Motor.- Concluding Discussion.- Structural Dynamics: Implications for Contractile Mechanisms.- II: Mechanics, Energetics and Molecular Models.- Length-Tension Relations.- Changes in Intracellular Ca2+ Induced by Shortening Imposed During Tetanic Contractions.- Sarcomere Length Changes in Single Frog Muscle Fibers During Tetani at Long Sarcomere Lengths.- Length-Tension-Velocity Relationships Studied in Short Consecutive Segments of Intact Muscle Fibres of the Frog.- Force - Sarcomere-Length Relation and Filament Length in Rat Extensor Digitorum Muscle.- Some Specific Predictions and Experiments on Single Myofibrillar Mechanics.- 1kgf/cm2 - The Isometric Tension of Muscle Contraction: Implications to Cross-Bridge and Hydraulic Mechanisms.- General Discussion: Length-Tension Relations.- Activation of the Myofilaments.- Calcium Sensitivity is Modified by Contraction.- Changes in [Ca2+]i Induced by Rapid Cooling of Single Skeletal Muscle Fibres Treated with Low Concentration of Caffeine.- Contractile Responses to MgATP and pH in a Thick Filament Regulated Muscle: Studies with Skinned Scallop Fibers.- Formation of Calcium-Parvalbumin Complex During Contraction. A Source of "Unexplained Heat"?.- Tension Transients and Stiffness.- Symmetric and Asymmetric Processes in the Mechano-Chemical Conversion in the Cross-Bridge Mechanism Studied by Isometric Tension Transients.- A Comparison of Muscle Stiffness Measurements Obtained with Rapid Releases or Stretches of Frog Semitendinosus Fibers.- Tension Transients in Skinned Muscle Fibres of Insect Flight Muscle and Mammalian Cardiac Muscle: Effect of Substrate Concentration and Treatment with Myosin Light Chain Kinase.- Tension Transients in Single Isolated Smooth Muscle Cells.- Sarcomere Length and Force Changes in Single Tetanized Frog Muscle Fibers Following Quick Changes in Fiber Length.- Analysis of Mechanical Behavior of Muscle by a Multi-Sarcomere Model.- The Kinetics of Cross-Bridge Attachment and Detachment Studied by High Frequency Stiffness Measurements.- The Role of Ca2+ in Cross-Bridge Kinetics in Chemically Skinned Rabbit Psoas Fibers.- Muscle Stiffness Changes During Isometric Contraction in Frog Skeletal Muscle as Studied by the Use of Ultrasonic Waves.- General Discussion: Interpretation of Stiffness Measurements.- Influence of Myofilament Lattice Dimensions on Contractile Function.- Force Response to Width and Length Perturbations in Compressed Skinned Skeletal Muscle Fibers.- Lateral Shrinkage of the Myofilament Lattice in Chemically Skinned Muscles During Contraction.- Effect of Lattice Spacing on Cross-Bridge Orientations in Relaxed Crab Muscle.- Isotonic Contraction of Temp-Step Activated Muscle Fibers with Varied Tonicity: Effects of Cell Volume and the Degree of Activation.- Changes in Mechanical Properties in Osmotically Compressed Skinned Muscle Fibers of Frog.- Contraction Dynamics.- Stretch of Contracting Muscle Fibres: Evidence for Regularly Spaced Active Sites Along the Filaments and Enhanced Mechanical Performance.- Velocity Sensitivity of Yielding During Stretch in the Cat Soleus Muscle.- Force-Velocity Relation and Stiffness in Frog Single Muscle Fibres During the Rise of Tension in an Isometric Tetanus.- Stepwise Shortening: Evidence and Implications.- A Proposed Mechanism of Contraction in Which Stepwise Shortening is a Basic Feature.- Stepwise Changes in Crossbridge State and Sarcomere Length: Do Lattice Constraints Play a Critical Role?.- Distilled Water-Induced Contractions in Dehydrated and Skinned Muscle Fibers.- Cardiac Muscle Mechanics.- Modeling of Cardiac Muscle Contraction Based on the Cross-Bridge Mechanism.- The Dependence of Force and Velocity on Calcium and Length in Cardiac Muscle Segments.- Non-Uniformity of Contraction and Relaxation of Mammalian Cardiac Muscle.- Transient Length Responses of Heart Muscle in Ba2+-Contracture to Step Tension Reductions.- Energetics.- Dependence of the Shortening Heat on Sarcomere Length in Fibre Bundles from Frog Semitendinosus Muscle.- The Effect of Shortening on Energy Liberation and High Energy Phosphate Hydrolysis in Frog Skeletal Muscle.- The Dependence on the Distance of Shortening of the Energy Output from Frog Skeletal Muscle Shortening at Velocities of Vmax. 1/2 Vmax and 1/4 Vmax.- Simultaneous Heat and Tension Measurements from Single Muscle Cells.- Concluding Remarks.- Concluding Remarks.- Participants.