1. Introduction. Part 1: The Classical Approach. 2. The Classical Approach - Introduction. 3. Grouping Into Sections, Departments and Higher Administrative Units. 4. Job Structuring. Part 2: The Human Relations and the Behavioural Science Approaches. 5. The Human Relations and the Behavioural Science Approaches: Introduction. 6. Individual Motivation and Group Behaviour. 7. Supervisory Leadership and Inter-Group Behaviour. 8. Organizational Groupings and Authority Distribution. 9. Role Delineation and Performance. Part 3: The Systems Approach. 10. Systems - Introduction. 11. Determining Information Needs. 12. Designing the Communication Channels For the Information Flow. Part 4: Contingency Theories of Organization. 13. Contingency Theories. Part 5: Organizational Change and Conclusion. 14. Organizational Change. 15. Conclusion. Appendix: Decision Schedule. Bibliography. Discussion Questions. Index.