History and development of the airbrush --;choosing and maintaining your airbrush --;Materials and equipment --;Getting started --;Projects for beginner: landscape and still life --;Using everyday objects as masks --;freehand airbrushing a lion onto cotton --;Airbrushing a wolf onto leather --;Portrait using frisket film and a technical illustration --;Using computer-cut vinyl stencils --;Airbrushing a scale model, using fine line tape --;Airbrushing cakes using multi-layered stencils --;Dealing with death: using manufactured stencils --;Custom painting on metal and wood objects.
Text of Note
'To those who airbrush the joys are well known, as well of course, the trials and tribulations of managing the instrument itself. The airbrush student has to learn significant new skills - to master not only colour and shade, but also air pressure, paint consistency and the diverse ways of masking and shading that can help to achieve such wonderful results.' Professor Andy Penaluna