Lecture Notes in Operations Research and Mathematical Systems, Economics, Computer Science, Information and Control, 54.
Text of Note
Preface --;I Capital Theory without Capital --;1 The Static Input-Output Model without Substitution --;2 The Static Input-Output Model with Substitution --;3 The Static Input-Output Model with more than One Nonproducible Factor of Production --;II Circulating Capital --;1 A One Sector Model --;2 Many Goods, no Substitution --;3 Dated Labour Inputs and the Theory of Value and Exploitation --;4 Dated Labour Inputs and the Period of Production --;5 Böhm-Bawerks Law of Increased Productivity of Increased Roundaboutness. The Point-Input-Point Output Model --;6 The Period of Production in more General Models --;7 Substitution. Switching of Techniques --;8 The Dynamic Nonsubstitution Theorem. Generalization of the Elasticity of Substitution --;9 Wicksell Effect. Marginal Productivity of Capital --;III Fixed Capital --;1 Machines --;2 The General Case of Joint Production and a General Nonsubstitution Theorem --;IV General Equilibrium of Steady States --;References to the Literature.
Text of Note
The following lecture notes were written shortly after I gave a course on capital theory in the winter-semester 1970/71 at the Univer- sity of Heidelberg.