1. Testosterone: An overview of biosynthesis, transport, metabolism and nongenomic actions --;2. The androgen receptor: Physiology and pathophysiology --;3. Behavioural correlates of testosterone --;4. The role of testosterone in spermatogenesis --;5. Androgens and hair --;6. Androgens and bone metabolism --;7. Androgens and muscles --;8. Androgens, cardiovascular risk factors and atherosclerosis --;9. Androgens and the prostate --;10. Pharmacology and clinical uses of testosterone --;11. Comparative pharmacokinetics of testosterone esters --;12. Clinical pharmacology of testosterone pellet implants --;13. Long-term experience with testosterone replacement through scrotal skin --;14. A permeation-enhanced non-scrotal testosterone transdermal system for the treatment of male hypogonadism --;15. Percutaneous dihydrotestosterone treatment --;16. Androgens in male senescence --;17. Androgen therapy in non-gonadal disease --;18. Testosterone in male contraception --;19. Androgen treatment of female-to-male transsexuals --;20. Abuse of androgens and detection of illegal use.