(xii, 281 pages 301 illustrations, 5 illustrations in color.)
Series Title
Medical Radiology, Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Oncology.
Text of Note
1 The Exocrine and Endocrine Pancreas: Embryology and Histology --;2 Physiology of the Exocrine Pancreas --;3 The Normal Radiologic Anatomy of the Pancreas --;4 Pathology of the Pancreas --;5 Pancreatic Diseases in Childhood --;6 Acute Pancreatitis --;7 Chronic Pancreatitis --;8 Ductal Adenocarcinoma --;9 Cystic Tumors of the Pancreas --;10 Endocrine Tumors of the Pancreas --;11 Rare and Secondary Tumors of the Pancreas --;12 Pancreatic Trauma --;13 Pancreatic Transplantation --;14 The Postoperative Pancreas --;List of Contributors.
Text of Note
Moreover he has been very active as editor of French textbooks and was the chief editor of the volume dealing with the liver, biliary ducts, spleen, and pancreas in the prestigious series Traite du radiodiagnostic covering the whole field of diagnostic radiology.