One / The Emergence of Appraisive Concepts and their Nature --;1.0 The Etiology of Values --;2.0 The Fourfold Root of Appraisal --;3.0 Modes of Appraisal --;4.0 Creditation and Qualification --;5.0 Character and Characterization --;6.0 Areas of Appraisal Compared --;Two / Critical Characterization --;7.0 Aesthetic Appraisal Illustrated --;8.0 Musical Characterization --;9.0 The Structure of Aesthetic Concepts --;10.0 Metalinguistic Terms in Evaluation --;11.0 The Importance of Appraisal --;Notes.
Text of Note
The present work addresses itself to the question of the nature of appraisive concepts such as were the subject of investigation in The Concepts of Value* and The Concepts of Criticism.