1 Symptoms, clinical signs and breathing tests --;Cough --;Sputum --;Haemoptysis --;Dyspnoea --;Pain --;Percussion --;Auscultation --;Clubbing of the fingers-Cyanosis --;Pursed-lip breathing --;2 Pneumonia --;Defences of the lung-Factors predisposing to infection --;Classification --;Clinicalfeatures --;Investigations --;Complications --;Recurrent pneumonia --;Differential diagnosis --;Treatment --;3 Chronic bronchitis --;Prevalence --;Pathology --;Clinicalfeatures --;Investigations --;Differential diagnosis --;Complications --;Treatment --;4 Asthma --;Pathogenesis --;Classification --;Clinicalfeatures --;Investigations --;Differential diagnosis --;Prognosis --;Treatment --;5 Tuberculosis --;Mortality --;Natural history --;Presentation --;Diagnostic tests --;Investigation of contacts --;Prevention --;Treatment --;6 Cancer of the lung --;Mortality --;Aetiology --;Classification --;Presentation --;Clinicalsigns --;Progress --;Investigations --;Differential diagnosis --;Prevention --;Treatment --;7 Pleural effusions --;Aetiology --;Investigations --;Differential diagnosis --;Tumours of the pleura --;Complications --;Treatment --;8 Recurrent respiratory illness in children --;Viral infections --;Cystic fibrosis --;Immune deficiencies --;Bronchiectasis --;9 Fibrosing alveolitis --;Diagnosis --;Treatment --;10 Spontaneous pneumothorax --;Pathogenesis --;Symptoms and signs --;Treatment --;11 Pulmonary sarcoidosis --;Natural history --;Treatment --;Further reading.
Text of Note
The topics chosen for discussion represent the most common problems referred by family doctors to chest clinics. A similar change of attitude to the management of chronic bronchitis brought many new patients to the chest clinics in place of the vanishing tuberculous population.