Developments in critical care medicine and anaesthesiology, 29.
Text of Note
Mechanisms of Substance P-Mediated Nociception and Opioid-Mediated Antinociception --;Spinal Cord Neuronal Plasticity: Mechanisms of Persistent Pain Following Tissue Damage and Nerve Injury --;Local Anesthetic Pharmacology --;Pain Research and Basic Science: Pain and the Sympathetic Nervous System --;Local Anesthesia Toxicity --;Effect of Postoperative Pain on Surgical Stress Response --;Postoperative Pain Assessment and Choice of Methods of Treatment --;Patient-Controlled Analgesia (Part I): Historical Perspective --;Problems in the Management of Postoperative Pain --;Patient-Controlled Analgesia (Part II): An Update On Clinical Usage --;Organization and Operation of an Acute Pain Service --;Role of Non-Opioid Analgesics in the Peri-Operative Period --;Effect of Postoperative Pain on Surgical Outcome --;Postoperative Pain Management in Children --;Preemptive Analgesia --;The Spinal Route Of Analgesia: Opioids and Future Options --;Problems of Pain Measurement in Children --;Post Spinal Cord Injury Pain: Mechanisms and Treatment Options --;Prevention of Post-Herpetic Neuralgia --;Opioids in the Management of Non-Malignant Chronic Pain --;Epidural Steroids --;Multidisciplinary Evaluation and Management of Chronic Pain --;Cancer Pain Syndromes --;Managing the Unmanageable --;Issues in Opioid Therapy for the Treatment of Cancer Pain --;Neurolytic Blocks --;Current Status in the Treatment of Cancer and Chronic Pain --;Chronic Pain Management in Children --;Alternative Drug Delivery Systems --;Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia.
Text of Note
Anesthesiology and Pain Management contains the edited presentations of the 39th Annual Postgraduate Course in Anesthesiology, February 1994.