1. Geology, land-use and hydrology --;--;Geology --;--;Relief and drainage pattern --;--;Precipitation and river flow --;--;Population and land-use --;2. Water quality --;--;Introduction --;--;General water quality of the River Wye --;--;Water quality of the Elan Valley reservoirs --;3. Plants --;--;Plant distributions within the river --;--;Plant distributions in the Elan Valley reservoirs --;--;Vegetation of Llangorse Lake --;4. Macroinvertebrates --;--;Macroinvertebrate distribution within the river: Platyhelminthes, Oligochaeta, Hirudinea, Crustacea, Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Diptera and Mollusca --;--;Macroinvertebrates in the Elan Valley reservoirs --;5. Fish --;--;Introduction --;--;Distribution --;--;General biology: shad, chub, dace, roach, pike, grayling, bullhead, brown trout and salmon --;6. Birds and mammals --;--;Birds: river breeders, river users, waders, species of marginal scrub and woodland --;--;Mammals: otter and mink --;7. The future --;--;Land-use changes --;--;Water resource developments --;--;Effects of flow changes --;--;Effects of storage --;--;General conclusions --;Appendices --;1. List of pteridophyte and angiosperm species found on the Wye and four of its major tributaries --;2. List of lichen and bryophyte species found in the Wye and four of its major tributaries --;3. The occurrence of macroinvertebrates in the Wye catchment --;4. Flight periods of adult insects collected at Newbridge-on-Wye --;5. Species seen on the Wye Survey.
Text of Note
The valley of the River Wye has long been famed for its natural beauty and the salmon stocks which the river supports.