Applied sport psychology : enhancing performance using psychological skills training / Richard Thelwell --;Mood and sport performance / Andrew M. Lane --;Anxiety in sport : should we be worried or excited? / Mark Uphill --;Self-confidence in a sporting context / Kate Hays --;Stress and coping among competitive athletes in sport / Tracey Devonport --;Performance profiling / Neil Weston --;Scientific application of music in sport and exercise / Costas I. Karageorghis --;Imagery and sport performance / Dave Smith and Caroline Wright --;Leadership development in athletes and coaches / Adrian Schonfeld --;Physical activity and self-esteem / Michael J. Duncan --;Exercise addiction / Attila Szabo and Mária Rendi --;Beliefs versus reality, or beliefs as reality? : the placebo effect in sport and exercise / Chris Beedie and Abby Foad.
Text of Note
Topics in Applied Psychology is a series of integrated texts combining both the academic and professional aspects of applied psychology. Written by a team of high-profile UK academics, this series is ideal for second- and third-year psychology undergraduates.