Sepsis: Clinical Definition and Incidence --;Epidemiology, Clinical Course, and Prognosis of Sepsis in 691 Patients --;Predisposing Factors and Host Defense Response to Sepsis and Septic Shock --;Pathophysiology of Sepsis and Septic Shock --;New Methods in the Microbiological Diagnosis of Septicemia --;Early Clinical, Laboratory and Hemodynamic Indicators of Sepsis and Septic Shock --;Useful and Useless Measures for Prevention of Infections and Sepsis in Intensive Care Patients --;Pattern of Endocrine Secretions in Sepsis --;Therapeutic Possibilities in the Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome Associated with Sepsis --;Corticosteroids and Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Agents in the Sepsis Syndrome --;Circulatory Abnormalities in the Sepsis Syndrome --;Sepsis and Myocardial Function --;Oxygen Transport and Tissue Oxygenation in Sepsis and Septic Shock --;Mechanisms of Limited Oxygen Delivery in Sepsis and Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome --;Changes in the Microcirculation in Sepsis and Septic Shock --;Cellular and Subcellular Functions of Vital Organs in Sepsis --;Multiorgan Failure --;Sepsis and Leukocyte Function: Harm and Benefit --;Mediators in the Pathogenesis of Septic Shock --;State of the Art --;Problems of Sepsis in Newborns --;Crystalloids versus Colloids in Septic Shock --;Metabolic Support in Sepsis: Current Concepts and Future Perspectives --;Prevention and Therapy of Sepsis in the High-Risk Surgical Patient --;Indication for Relaparotomy in Postoperative Sepsis --;Clinical Relevance of Endotoxin and Eicosanoids in Severe Sepsis --;Role of Antibodies in Bacterial Sepsis --;Immunotherapy and Immunoprophylaxis of Sepsis --;The Effect of Antibiotics on the Biosynthesis of Proteins --;Antimicrobial Therapy of Septicemia --;Metabolic Changes in Sepsis and Septic Shock --;Role of Opioid Antagonists in the Therapy of Septic Shock --;New Concepts in the Pharmacological Treatment of Cardiocirculatory Failure in Septic Shock.
Text of Note
Despite the progress that has been made in intensive care medicine, sepsis and septic shock are still accompanied by a high mortality rate. This monograph contains contributions by well-known scientists and clinicians in the fields of hygienics, microbiology, infectious diseases, physiology, surgery and intensive care medicine.