Introduction. Children's literature: new approaches / Karín Lesnik-Oberstein --;Author and authorship. Effigies of Effie: on Kipling's biographies / Sue Walsh --;Victorian childhood. Reading beyond the 'innocent title': Home thoughts and home scenes / Christine Sutphin --;Reading. The Swiss family Robinson as virtual reality / J. Hillis Miller --;The implied reader. Response and responsibility: theories of the implied reader in children's literature criticism / Neil Cocks --;Children's literature, science and faith: The water-babies / Lila Marz Harper. The child, the family, the relationship. Familiar stories: family, storytelling, and ideology in Philip Pullman's His dark materials / Stephen Thomson --;Reading intertextuality. The natural and the legitimate: intertextuality in 'Harry Potter' / Daniela Caselli --;National identity. Where the wild, strange and exotic things are: in search of the Caribbean in contemporary children's literature / Jacqueline Lazú --;Landscapes: 'going foreign' in Arthur Ransome's Peter Duck / Sarah Spooner.
Text of Note
Children's Literature: New Approaches is a guide for graduate and upper-level undergraduate students of children's literature. Includes chronology of key events and publications, a selective guide to further reading and a list of Web-based resources.
Children -- Books and reading -- English-speaking countries.
Children -- Books and reading.
Children's literature, English -- History and criticism.