Lecture notes in computer science., Lecture notes in artificial intelligence ;, 1902.
Text of Note
Text.- The Linguistic Basis of a Rule-Based Tagger of Czech.- Harnessing the Lexicographer in the Quest for Accurate Word Sense Disambiguation.- An Integrated Statistical Model for Tagging and Chunking Unrestricted Text.- Extending Bidirectional Chart Parsing with a Stochastic Model.- Ensemble of Classifiers for Noise Detection in PoS Tagged Corpora.- Towards a Dynamic Syntax for Language Modelling.- A Word Analysis System for German Hyphenation, Full Text Search, and Spell Checking, with Regard to the Latest Reform of German Orthography.- Automatic Functor Assignment in the Prague Dependency Treebank.- Categories, Constructions, and Dependency Relations.- Local Grammars and Parsing Coordination of Nouns in Serbo-Croatian.- Realization of Syntactic Parser for Inflectional Language Using XML and Regular Expressions.- A Rigoristic and Automated Analysis of Texts Applied to a Scientific Abstract by Mark Sergot and Others.- Evaluation of Tectogrammatical Annotation of PDT.- Probabilistic Head-Driven Chart Parsing of Czech Sentences.- Aggregation and Contextual Reference in Automatically Generated Instructions.- Information Retrieval by Means of Word Sense Disambiguation.- Statistical Parameterisation of Text Corpora.- An Efficient Algorithm for Japanese Sentence Compaction Based on Phrase Importance and Inter-Phrase Dependency.- Word Senses and Semantic Representations Can We Have Both?.- Automatic Tagging of Compound Verb Groups in Czech Corpora.- Sensitive Words and Their Application to Chinese Processing.- Testing a Word Analysis System for Reliable and Sense-Conveying Hyphenation and Other Applications.- The Challenge of Parallel Text Processing.- Selected Types of Pg-Ambiguity: Processing Based on Analysis by Reduction.- Cohesive Generation of Syntactically Simplified Newspaper Text.- TEA: A Text Analysis Tool for the Intelligent Text Document Filtering.- Competing Patterns for Language Engineering.- Speech.- Recognition and Labelling of Prosodic Events in Slovenian Speech.- Rules for Automatic Grapheme-to-Allophone Transcription in Slovene.- An Adaptive and Fast Speech Detection Algorithm.- Optimal Pitch Path Tracking for More Reliable Pitch Detection.- FlexVoice: A Parametric Approach to High-Quality Speech Synthesis.- The Continuous and Discontinuous Styles in Czech TTS.- Automatic Speech Segmentation with the Application of the Czech TTS System.- Speaker Identification Using Autoregressive Hidden Markov Models and Adaptive Vector Quantisation.- Morpheme Based Language Models for Speech Recognition of Czech.- A Large Czech Vocabulary Recognition System for Real-Time Applications.- Building a New Czech Text-to-Speech System Using Triphone-Based Speech Units.- Acoustic and Perceptual Properties of Syllables in Continuous Speech as a Function of Speaking Rate.- NL-Processor and Linguistic Knowledge Base in a Speech Recognition System.- Russian Phonetic Variability and Connected Speech Transcription.- Database Processing for Spanish Text-to-Speech Synthesis.- Topic-Sensitive Language Modelling.- Design of Speech Recognition Engine.- Combining Multi-band and Frequency-Filtering Techniques for Speech Recognition in Noisy Environments.- Allophone- and Suballophone-Based Speech Synthesis System for Russian.- Diphone-Based Unit Selection for Catalan Text-to-Speech Synthesis.- Analysis of Information in Speech and Its Application in Speech Recognition.- What Textual Relationships Demand Phonetic Focus?.- Speaker Identification Using Kalman Cepstral Coefficients.- Belarussian Speech Recognition Using Genetic Algorithms.- A Discriminative Segmental Speech Model and Its Application to Hungarian Number Recognition.- Comparison of Frequency Bands in Closed Set Speaker Identification Performance.- Recording and Annotation of the Czech Speech Corpus.- Dialogue.- A Text Based Talking Face.- Dialogue Control in the Alparon System.- ISIS: Interaction through Speech with Information Systems.- Centering-Based Anaphora Resolution in Danish Dialogues.- Some Improvements on the IRST Mixed Initiative Dialogue Technology.- Dictionary-Based Method for Coherence Maintenance in Man-Machine Dialogue with Indirect Antecedents and Ellipses.- Reconstructing Conversational Games in an Obligation-Driven Dialogue Model.- Prosody Prediction from Tree-Like Structure Similarities.- A Speaker Authentication Module in TelCorreo.- TelCorreo: A Bilingual E-mail Client over the Telephone.- A Syntactical Model of Prosody as an Aid to Spoken Dialogue Systems in Italian Language.- What Do You Mean by "What Do You Mean"?.- Simplified Processing of Elliptic and Anaphoric Utterances in a Train Timetable Information Retrieval Dialogue System.- Pragmatic and Grammatical Aspects of the Development of Dialogue Strategies.- An Annotation Scheme for Dialogues Applied to Anaphora Resolution Algorithms.- Cooperative Information Retrieval Dialogues through Clustering.- Acoustic Cues for Classifying Communicative Intentions in Dialogue Systems.- Active and Passive Strategies in Dialogue Program Generation.- Architecture of Multi-modal Dialogue System.- The Utility of Semantic-Pragmatic Information and Dialogue-State for Speech Recognition in Spoken Dialogue Systems.- Word Concept Model for Intelligent Dialogue Agents.