A Life Insurer's Interpretation of Survival Rates --;The Concept of Disability --;Geographical Differences in Underwriting --;Antecedents of Disease. Insurance Mortality Experience --;The Role of the Electrocardiogram in Underwriting --;Magnitude of Silent Coronary Disease --;The Significance of Heart Size in Diagnosis and Prognosis --;The Prognosis of Chronic Cor Pulmonale --;Closed Valvuloplasty for Mitral Stenosis --;The Stroke --;Pathogenesis, Course and Prognosis --;The Significance of Asymptomatic Mild Intermittent Proteinuria --;Prognosis of Hemorrhagic Disorders and of Benign and Malignant Diseases of the White Blood Cells --;Underwriting Mental Illness --;The Long-Term Prognosis of Diabetes Mellitus --;Endogenous and Exogenous Factors in the Etiology and Pathogenesis of Diabetes Mellitus: Heredity, Obesity, Civilization --;Author index.