Nursing in a community environment --;Public health and the promotion of wellbeing --;Professional approaches to care --;Managing risk --;Therapeutic relationships --;Care across the lifespan --;Community nursing assessment --;The role of the community nurse in mental health --;Carers : the keystone of communities and families --;Spirituality : a neglected aspect of care --;Collaborative working : benefits and barriers --;Approaches to acute care in the community --;Emerging issues in long-term conditions --;Providing quality in end-of-life care --;Organization and management of care --;Leading quality, person-centred care in the community --;eHealth --;Development of community nursing in the context of changing times.
Text of Note
A comprehensive and evidence-based introduction to community nursing, this is an essential text for all pre-registration nursing students, students on specialist community nursing courses and qualified nurses entering community practice for the first time.