Contemporary landscape of forensic science --;Forensic science practice --;Identifying individuals --;Current status of DNA profiling in the UK --;Fingerprints --;Forensic anthropology and human identification from the skeleton --;Identifying and comparing materials --;Drugs of abuse --;Body fluids in sexual offences --;Trace evidence --;Marks --;Reconstructing events --;Bloodstain pattern analysis --;Fire investigation policies and practices in the UK --;Forensic science as Investigative support --;Forensic resources and criminal investigations --;DNA databases --;Using forensic science in major crime inquiries --;Forensic science in UK policing: strategies, tactics and effectiveness --;Forensic reasoning and the evaluation of scientific evidence --;Statistics and forensic science --;Understanding forensic science opinions --;The science of proof: forensic science in English criminal tests --;Themes and debates in contemporary forensic science --;Forensic science and the internationalisation of policing --;Forensic science, ethics and criminal justice --;Professional standards, public protection and the administration of justice --;Development and enhancement of forensic expertise: higher education and in-service training --;Future(s) of forensic inverstigations.
Text of Note
This handbook provides an authoritative map of the landscape of forensic science within the criminal justice system of the UK. It sets out the features of the subject, covering the disciplinary, technological, organizational and legislative resources that are brought together to make up contemporary forensic science practice.