1 Genetic Disorders of Mucopolysaccharide Metabolism --;I. Introduction --;II. Classification of the Disorders --;III. Genetics --;IV. Chemical Pathology --;V. Chemistry of the Sulfated Mucopolysaccharides --;VI. The Biochemical Defect --;VII. Some Practical Applications of Recent Biochemical Findings --;VIII. Summary --;Note Added in Proof --;References --;2 Galactosemia: Biochemistry, Genetics, Pathophysiology, and Developmental Aspects --;I. Introduction --;II. Galactose Metabolism --;III. Hereditary Enzymatic Deficiencies in Galactose Metabolism --;IV. The Pathophysiology of Galactosemia --;V. Treatment --;References --;3 Cytogenetic Aspects of Brain Dysfunction --;I. Introduction --;II. Incidence of Human Chromosome Anomalies --;III. Syndromes Related to Autosomal Abnormalities --;IV. Syndromes Related to Sex Chromosome Abnormalities --;V. Syndromes Related to Chromosome Breakages --;VI. Detection of Individuals with Abnormal Chromosomes --;VII. Prenatal Diagnosis of Chromosomal Abnormalities --;VIII. Concluding Remarks --;References --;4 Disorders of Glucose Metabolism in Brain Dysfunction --;I. Introduction --;II. Systemic Disorders of Glucose Metabolism --;III. Newer Concepts of Cerebral Glucose Metabolism in Vivo --;IV. Disorders of Glucose Metabolism in Brain --;References --;5 Effects of Viral Infections on the Brain --;I. Introduction --;II. Methods --;III. Pathways of Viral Spread --;IV. Cellular Response to Viral Infection --;V. Biochemical Changes --;VI. Immunological Reactions --;VII. Pathogenesis of Viral Diseases of the Brain --;VIII. Conclusion --;References --;6 Disorders of Cerebrospinal Fluid and Brain Extracellular Fluid --;I. Introduction --;II. Anatomical Considerations --;III. Pathophysiological Aspects of Cerebrospinal Fluid --;IV. Pathophysiological Aspects of Brain Extracellular Fluid --;References --;7 Disorders of Nucleic Acid Metabolism --;I. Disorders of Purine Metabolism --;II. Disorders of Pyrimidine Metabolism --;References --;8 Effects of Malnutrition on Brain Development --;I. Introduction --;II. General Considerations Involved in Cellular Growth --;III. Normal Cellular Growth of the Brain --;IV. Nutritional Effects on Cellular Growth of the Brain --;V. Prenatal Malnutrition --;VI. Summary --;References --;9 Pathophysiology of Anoxic Brain Damage --;I. Introduction --;II. Normal Oxidative Metabolism in the Brain --;III. Work Performed by the CNS Cells --;IV. Supply of Oxygen to the Brain Cells --;V. Supply and Metabolism of Substrates --;VI. Energy Flow and Energy State --;VII. Measurements of Energy States and Metabolite Levels --;VIII. Types of Cerebral Hypoxia and Anoxia --;IX. Cerebral Changes in Anoxia and Hypoxia --;X. Cerebral Changes in Ischemia --;XI. Factors Modifying the Response to Anoxia --;References --;10 Effects of Deficiencies of Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 on Central Nervous System Function and Development --;I. Introduction --;II. Biochemical Roles of Coenzyme Forms of Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 --;III. Central Nervous System Damage Due to Folic Acid Deficiency --;IV. Central Nervous System Damage Due to Vitamin B12 Deficiency --;References.
Text of Note
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