Architecture for office automation --;Software engineering: Experience and convictions --;Rads --;Rapid appligation development system --;Separate and integral compilation of subsystems --;S/E/TEC --;An environment for the production of reliable software --;Construction of application systems: Some aspects of standardization --;Specification as a design base --;Prospects of new tools for software development --;Ada and the German pay phone: An illustrative example of parallel processing --;Modules program structures and the structuring of operating systems --;SEVAL, a high-level validation language --;Problems in compiling Ada --;The future of applicative programming --;Structuring concepts for distributed systems: The communication aspect --;A communication service applied in a distributed data base system --;Phlox 2: A distributed system providing a server database management system --;Transaction management in a distributed database management system --;Access control and management in multilevel database models --;The grid file: An adaptable, symmetric multi-key file structure --;Serializability problems of interleaved database transactions --;Performance evaluation of two concurrency control mechanisms in a distributed database system --;A multiprocessor architecture using a circulating memory --;The realization of a data type architecture --;Conservation laws in operational analysis --;TOCS: a SIMULA-based simulator for the analysis of mainframe-oriented distributed systems --;The future of applicative programming.