[Place of publication not identified], Palgrave Macmillan
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Text of Note
Introduction: The Consolidation of Russia's Role in World Affairs; R.E.Kanet PART I: RUSSIAN STRATEGY UNDER PUTIN Russia's Great Power Ambitions and Policy under Putin; I.Oldberg Forming a New Security Identity under Vladimir Putin; N.Lomagin Choices for Russia: Preserving Inherited Geopolitics through Emergent Global and European Realities; V.Rukavishnikov PART II: RUSSIA, THE CIS AND THE WORLD BEYOND Russia's Transnistria Policy: Means, Ends and Great Power Trajectories; G.P.Herd Putin's Attempts to Subjugate Georgia: From Sabre-Rattling to the Power of the Purse; B.Nygren Governance and Diplomacy as Attributes of a Great Power: Russia and the Three Enclaves Kaliningrad, Nagorno-Karabakh and Nakhchivan; S.Nies Russia and China in the New Central Asia: The Security Agenda; J.Berryman The U.S. Challenge to Russian Influence in Central Asia and the Caucasus; R.E.Kanet & L.Homarac Russia, Iran and the Nuclear Question: The Putin Record; R.O.Freedman Conclusion: Russia as a Re-emerging Great Power; R.E.Kanet