High Performance Numerically Intensive Applications on Distributed Memory Parallel Computers (F.W. Wray). Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics on a Meiko Transputer System with Express in Comparison to IPSC Systems (L. Beernaert et al.). Preconditioned Conjugate Gradients on the PUMA Architecture (R. Cook). Parallel Discrete Event Simulation (E. Dirkx, F. Verboven). Parallel Programming on Amoeba Using Different Distributed Shared Memory (H.E. Bal et al.). 3D Shallow Water Model on the CRAY YMP4/464 (E.D. de Goede). Simulating Compressible Flow on a Distributed Memory Machine (P. Batten et al.). Principles of Code Optimization on ConvexC230 (F. Brosens). On the Vectorization and Parallelization of a Finite Difference Scheme (R.J. van der Pas). Index.