Front Cover; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; About the Author; Course Format; Student Input; Chapter 1: The Investigative Team; Chapter 2: Forensic Search and Seizure; Chapter 3: Note-Taking Exercises; Chapter 4: Photography Exercises; Chapter 5: Sketching Exercises; Chapter 6: Searching; Chapter 7: Alternate Light Sources; Chapter 8: Presumptive Tests and Chemical Enhancements; Chapter 9: Latent Fingerprint Development Exercises; Chapter 10: Evidence Collection and Packaging; Chapter 11: Exercises for Physical Evidence; Chapter 12: Exercises for Serological Evidence. Chapter 13: Exercises for Trace EvidenceChapter 14: Exercises for Firearms and Toolmark Evidence; Chapter 15: Exercises for Footwear and Tire Track Impression Evidence; Chapter 16: Exercises for Digital Evidence; Chapter 17: Exercises for Injury Documentation; Chapter 18: Exercises for Shooting Scene Documentation; Chapter 19: Exercises for Bloodstain Documentation; Chapter 20: Exercises for Identifying Clandestine Graves and Scattered Human Remains; Chapter 21: Fire Scenes; Chapter 22: Exercises for Questioned Document Evidence; Chapter 23: Processing Methodology Exercises. Chapter 24: Report-Writing ExercisesBibliography; Back Cover.
Text of Note
This specially developed workbook can be used in conjunction with the Complete Crime Scene Investigation Handbook (ISBN: 978-1-4987-0144-0) in group training environments, or for individuals looking for independent, step-by-step self-study guide. It presents an abridged version of the Handbook, supplying both students and professionals with the most critical points and extensive hands-on exercises for skill enhancement. Filled with more than 350 full-color images, the Complete Crime Scene Investigation Workbook walks readers through self-tests and exercises they can perform to practice and imp.