I. Examination of the Placenta.- II. Unusual Shapes of the Placenta. Placenta Accreta.- Accessory lobes, placenta duplex, placenta membranacea.- Placenta accreta, increta, percreta, and placenta previa accreta.- Velamentous insertion of the umbilical cord.- Interpositio velamentosa. Insertio funiculi furcata.- Placenta extrachorialis (Placenta marginata and circumvallata).- Extramembranous pregnancy.- III. Amnion and Chorion.- Structure.- Epithelium: Degeneration. Meconium staining. Hemosiderin. Ballooning degeneration. Vessels. Sex chromatin.- Squamous metaplasia.- Amnion nodosum.- Oligohydramnios. Fluid turnover.- Edema. Tensile strength. Amnionic fluid embolization.- Cysts. Cartilage.- Amnionic adhesions and bands.- IV. Pathology of the Umbilical Cord and Major Fetal Vessels.Vestiges of Embryonic Structures.- Vestiges and remarks concerning normal structure. Cysts. Edema.- Length of cord. Spiraling. Torsion. Knots. Hemorrhage.- Absence of one umbilical artery.- Tumors of the umbilical cord.- Amnion nodosum; squamous metaplasia; necrosis; color; inflammation of the cord.- Lesions of the major chorionic vessels.- V. The Placenta of Multiple Pregnancy.- A. Introduction.- 1. Types of twin placentas.- 2. Examination of placentas of multiple pregnancies.- B. Pathologie anatomy of twin placentas 195.- 1. The monoamnionic monochorionic twin placenta.- 2. The diamnionic monochorionic twin placenta.- 3. The transfusion syndrome.- 4. The hydramnios with twin pregnancies.- 5. Fetus papyraceous.- 6. The acardiac twin pregnancy.- 7. The diamnionic dichorionic twin placenta.- 8. Placentation of triplets and higher multiple births.- C. Consequences of inter-twin anastomoses.- Cerebral palsy. Chimerism. Transplantation tolerance.- Freemartinism.- D. Absence of one umbilical artery in twins.- E. Velamentous insertion of umbilical cord in twins.- F. Placentation in relation to zygosity of twins.- 1. Discordant monozygous twins in relation to placental development.- 2. The frequency of twin types. Considerations of studies of abortions.- 3. Perinatal mortality of twins in relation to type of placentation..- 4. Evolution of various types of monozygous twin placentas.- G. Outlook of study on twin placentation.- VI. Cellular Exchange between Mother and Fetus. Intervillous.- Thrombosis. Tumor Metastasis.- Fetal to maternal red cell transfer.- Intervillous thrombosis.- Classification, nomenclature. Pathology. Incidence. Pathogenesis.....- Breus' mole (subchorionic tuberous hematoma).- Transfer of maternal cells to the fetus. Metastases.- Leukemia.- Metastatic tumors in placenta and fetus.- VII. Cysts and Placental Septa.- Macroscopic appearance.- Microscopic structure. "X-cells".- Development of septa. Pathogenesis of cysts.- Genetic sex of X-cells and septa.- Histochemical studies.- Incidence.- Amnionic cysts. Vernix dissection.- VIII. Circulatory Disturbances.- Infarcts and atrophy.- Normal maternal and fetal circulations.- Decidual vascular lesions.- Abruptio placentae.- Premature senescence and atrophy.- Importance of placental infarction to the fetus.- Maternal floor infarction.- Disturbances of chorionic circulation.- IX. Infections.- Bacterial infection.- Chorioamnionitis.- orificial infection, bacterial.- chemical phenomena, hypoxia.- Hematogenous bacterial infections.- Comment.- Unusual bacterial infections of the placenta.- Listeriosis.- Tuberculosis.- Syphilis.- Fungous infections.- Candidiases.- Coccidioidomycosis.- Parasitic diseases.- Toxoplasmosis.- Trypanosomiasis.- Malaria.- Viral infections.- Cytomegalovirus disease (Cytomegalic inclusion body disease, salivary gland virus infection).- Rubella.- Variola, Vaccina, Varicella.- Herpes simplex.- Other viral diseases.- Comment.- X. Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn.- Pathogenetic considerations.- Macroscopic findings.- Microscopic findings.- Placental diseases simulating erythroblastosis.- XI. Abortion.- Frequency.- Genetic aspects.- Cytogenetics.- Relationship to teratology.- Cord anomalies.- Isoimmunization and abortion.- Infections and abortions.- Toxoplasmosis and abortion.- Morphology of abortion.- Trauma and abortion.- Miscellaneous other types of abortion.- Threatened abortion.- "Habitual" abortion.- "Missed" abortion.- Breus' mole.- "Therapeutic" abortion.- XI A. Ectopic Pregnancy.- XII. Hydatidiform Mole.- Morphology.- Histochemistry.- Electronmicrography.- Incidence. Geographic variation. Effects of age and gravidity. Repetition of molar gestation.- Ectopic molar pregnancy.- Hydatidiform mole with fetus.- Diagnosis.- Etiology, including sex chromatin and chromosome studies. Animal experiments.- Pathogenesis.- Chorioadenoma destruens.- Syncytial endometritis.- Prognosis.- Hormonal aspects.- Deportation, metastasis and regression.- Relationship to toxemia of pregnancy.- Relationship of hydatidiform mole and chorioadenoma.- Treatment.- XIII. Tumors of the Placenta.- A. Chorangioma.- Nomenclature.- Incidence.- Morphology.- Association with hydramnios, and fetal cardiac load.- Other complications.- Morphogenesis.- Chorioangiomatosis.- B. Chorionepithelioma (Choriocarcinoma).- Definition.- Macroscopic, radiologic and microscopic features.- Choriocarcinoma in situ.- Metastases to fetus.- Histologic grading and prognosis.- Cytotoxic therapy.- Immunologic considerations of maternal-fetal relationship, with particular reference to choriocarcinoma.- Additional considerations concerning the interactions of trophoblast and the maternal organism.- Transfer of antibodies.- XIV. The Hormones of the Placenta.- Protein hormones.- Chorionic gonadotropin (HCG).- Placental lactogen (HPL).- Other protein hormones (ACTH, MSH, TSH, relaxin).- Steroid hormone.- Progesterones.- Estrogens.- "Placental function tests".- Corticoids.- Legend to schematic representation of hormones of the placenta.- Schematic representation.- XV. Miscellaneous Conditions.- Diabetes mellitus.- Non-immunologic hydrops placentalis.- General remarks.- Alpha-thalassemia.- Congenital nephrosis.- Anemia.- Sickle cell disease.- Other anemias.- Collagen diseases.- Systemic lupus erythematosus.- Scleroderma.- Allergic dermatitis.- Other abnormal maternal states.- Pheochromocytoma.- Hyperlipemia.- Radiation.- Hepatitis.- Thyroid disorders.- Placental Insufficiency.- Trauma.- Trisomy 18.- High risk group.- Stilbestrol therapy.- Placental calcification.- Closing comment.- Author Index.