Radiation Therapy: its Integration with Surgery and Chemotherapy in the Management of Patients with Urological Malignancy --;Chemotherapy --;Immunotherapy --;Carcinoma of the Kidney --;Intravesical Treatment of Superficial Bladder Cancer --;Management of Invasive Bladder Neoplasms --;Carcinoma of the Prostate: Non-Metastatic Disease --;Carcinoma of the Prostate-Metastatic Disease --;The Staging and Treatment of Testicular Cancer: Management of Stage I Disease --;Chemotherapy in Disseminated Testicular Cancer --;Cancer of the Penis --;Surgical Preservation and Reconstruction --;Clinical Trials in Genitourinary Oncology: What Have They Achieved?- Quality of Life and Palliation Treatment in Urological Cancer --;The Cost of Treatment --;Subject Index.
Text of Note
Any discussion of the present success in management of urological cancers evokes a mixed response.